1. Create your program in Salesforce.

  2. Make sure you have the 18-digit program ID handy (you can either copy it from the program URL, or you can find it on the program page under “18 character ID”).

  3. Only use a copy obtained by pressing the "use" button through the Template Library.  Do not make changes through the original template.

  4. Remember to save your form after each step - FormAssembly does not save automatically!

  • Name The Form: Click on the “Properties” cog. Under “Name,” change the name of your Happy Hour program using the following format: Gather[Region] [Month] [Year] [Cohort Name] Application Form. Click “save.”

  • Add The Program ID: Click on the box labeled “Program ID,” then click “Options”, add the 18-digit Salesforce program ID to the Default Value field. Click “save.”

  • Brand The Form: Go to “themes” and check to make sure the form’s theme corresponds to the region in which the experience is taking place. (Example: GatherDC forms should have the theme “GatherDC - Light *USE THIS THEME*.”) Click “save.”

  • Change the Image 

  • Customize The Text: There’s some suggested language below, but you’re encouraged to add your own flair! Click “save” when done.

  • Enable Connectors: 

    • For Salesforce:
      • Click on “Connectors” in the menu on the far left of the screen, then click “Configure” next to “Salesforce” (in the “Form Submitted” section).
      • You’ll be taken to a screen titled “Salesforce.” Under the “status” section, click “enabled.”
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save.” 
  • Update Your Form’s Acknowledgment Messages and Add Your Contact Information: Go to the “Notifications” section on the left hand side of the screen, and input your “thank you” message, sender information, email subject, and email content. Click “save.”

  • Update Your Form’s Processing Options: 

    • Go to the “Processing” section on the left hand side of the screen and click “Active.” 

    • Adjust “Display from” and “Display until” to accommodate how long your form will stay open. 

    • Write the “unavailable” message, which will display to users who attempt to register when registration is already closed. 

    • (optional) add a response quota

    • Check the box next to "Use Google reCAPTCHA (a challenge that helps prevent spam)"

    • Click “save.”

Test The Form: Click “View” to look at the front end of the form. Register yourself, then check the Salesforce program to confirm the connectors are working. 
A purple background with the cover image of Rabbi Adina Allen's book, "The Place of All Possibility," as well as text reading GatherBay Book Club: the Place of All Possibility, Jan. 29, Feb. 5, Feb. 12, South Berkeley, rolling applications open Jan. 8

What can Judaism teach us about creativity? And, particularly in our current challenging times, how can that creativity help us meet the moment with increased resilience? Join GatherBay's Rabbi Gray Myrseth for a three-session book club, where we'll dig into these questions and more. Through the lens of local author Rabbi Adina Allen's The Place of All Possibility, we'll explore the idea of creativity as a spiritual practice.

What: a book club! We'll gather for dinner, a chance to connect with new and familiar folks, and facilitated exploration of the books themes, including both group and paired discussion.

Please plan to read a section of the book (which will be provided for you) prior to each session, 
When: 6-8pm, Wednesdays January 29, February 5, and February 12. Our optional 4th session will be a field trip together to the Jewish Studio Project's open studio on February 18 (6:30-8pm). 

Where: South Berkeley, exact location to be shared upon registration Access notes: The book club meeting space can be entered via a ramp and has an ADA accessible bathroom. We'll be meeting indoors, with an option to have double doors to the outside open if desired. Masking guidelines to be determined by the needs of the group, though there will be at least some time when people are unmasked in order to eat dinner. 
Cost: $5-25 sliding scale—includes a copy of the book, dinner at each of the three main sessions, and the cost of registration for JSP's open studio on 2/18. By registering, you are committing to attending all three main sessions (the fourth experiential session is optional). 

Who it's for: Anyone in their 20s and 30s(ish) who's interested! No experience with Hebrew, Jewish learning, or Judaism required—all you need are yourself and your curiosity.

How do I register? Fill out this form! Then send your registration fee via Venmo to @GatherDC (or let us know if you don't have Venmo and we'll figure out an alternative). 

Registration will be accepted on a rolling basis until January 23, 2025—we encourage you to sign up sooner rather than later! If you’re having any issues with the form or need to sign up another way, please email
The Basics

About You!
We strive to create programs and services that represent the full diversity of the Jewish community.  We are asking the following question about race and ethnicity to ensure that we are meeting this goal.
What race(s) / ethnicities do you you identify with? (select all that apply)

(Within or outside of your Jewish Identity; if listing multiple please separate by comma)

Digging a little deeper
Please share a few sentences below. All of this information will be kept in confidence—your answers are super helpful as we craft this experience! 

Please review your information before confirming your application on the next page.