1. Create your program in Salesforce.

  2. Make sure you have the 18-digit program ID handy (you can either copy it from the program URL, or you can find it on the program page under “18 character ID”).

  3. Only use a copy obtained by pressing the "use" button through the Template Library.  Do not make changes through the original template.

  4. Remember to save your form after each step - FormAssembly does not save automatically!

  5. Create a corresponding “door signup form” using the Happpy Hour Door SIgn Up template.


Should be a decimal number e.g. 5.00
  • Name The Form: Click on the “Properties” cog. Under “Name,” change the name of your Happy Hour program using the following format: Gather[Region] [Month] [Year] Happy Hour. Click “save.”

  • Add The Program ID: Click on the box labeled “Program ID,” then click “Options”, add the 18-digit Salesforce program ID to the Default Value field. Click “save.”

  • Set the Price: review and if needed change the price for the Happy Hour Cost field above. Click on the box labeled “Happy Hour Ticket Price” then click “Options”, adjust the Default Value field as needed. Click “save.”

  • Set the TransactionFee Price: on the Payment page review the Transaction Fee section. Open the "GatherDC Pays..." field, click"options", open up "Calculations", and if needed adjust the value.

  • Brand The Form: Go to “themes” and check to make sure the form’s theme corresponds to the region in which the experience is taking place. (Example: GatherDC forms should have the theme “GatherDC - Light *USE THIS THEME*.”) Click “save.”

  • Change the Image 

  • Customize The Text: There’s some suggested language below, but you’re encouraged to add your own flair! Click “save” when done.

  • Enable Connectors: 

    • For Salesforce:
      • Click on “Connectors” in the menu on the far left of the screen, then click “Configure” next to “Salesforce” (in the “Form Submitted” section).
      • You’ll be taken to a screen titled “Salesforce.” Under the “status” section, click “enabled.”
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save.” 
    • For Stripe
      • Click on “Connectors” in the menu on the far left of the screen, then click “Configure” next to “Stripe” (in the “Form Submitted” section).
      • You’ll be taken to a screen titled “Stripe.” Under the "statement descriptor" AND "description", enter in the title of the happy hour (Ex: GatherDC 2022 May Happy Hour")
      • Change Status to "Enabled"
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save.
  • Update Your Form’s Acknowledgment Messages and Add Your Contact Information: Go to the “Notifications” section on the left hand side of the screen, and input your “thank you” message, sender information, email subject, and email content. Click “save.”

  • Update Your Form’s Processing Options: 

    • Go to the “Processing” section on the left hand side of the screen and click “Active.” 

    • Adjust “Display from” and “Display until” to accommodate how long your form will stay open. 

    • Write the “unavailable” message, which will display to users who attempt to register when registration is already closed. 

    • Check the box next to "Allow respondents to review their response before a final submit" (to prevent multiple submissions/charges)

    • Check the box next to "Use Google reCAPTCHA (a challenge that helps prevent spam)"

    • (optional) add a response quota

    • Click “save.”

  • IMPORTANT for no volunteers!: (Complete these steps if no volunteers are wanted or if slots have filled up)

    • On the "Do you want to save $5..." field on pages 2, 3, and 4 - set the default value to "No thanks, I'll pay my $5 entry fee now"

    • Set the "Do you want to save $5..." field on pages 2, 3, and 4 to hidden. 

Test The Form: Click “View” to look at the front end of the form. Register yourself, then check the Salesforce program to confirm the connectors are working. 
Photo of pomegranates with text about RH Dinner

Dear friends,

You’re invited to a cozy, slowed-down Rosh Hashanah dinner, where we’ll drop into the holiday, connect with some new folks, share and learn together, and—of course—break bread. The second night of the Jewish new year is a time to sink deeper into the holiday, and we’ll have some cozy, lightly-guided conversation to get us in the reflection mood.

When: Thursday, October 3, 6-8pm

Where: Outdoors at Chochmat HaLev 2215 Prince Street, Berkeley

Who it’s for: Jewish (or Jew-ish!) young adults in their 20s and 30s

What to Expect: Small group convos, a nourishing meal, time to connect with new and old friends, some intentional learning about the holiday.

The meal: Vegetarian meal with vegan & gluten-free options; please specify any allergies or other dietary restrictions on the next page, and we will accommodate as best they can. We’ve got you covered with wine, hot tea, and non-alcoholic beverages as well.

Cost*: Sliding scale, $5-18

*GatherBay is covering the majority of the dinner’s cost—please contribute to the degree you are able. No one turned away for lack of funds—if cost is a barrier, please don’t hesitate to sign up or email us with any questions:

RSVP by September 26, please!

NOTE: If this is your first GatherBay experience, or if you’re just feeling nervous to come alone, email GatherBay’s Community Coordinator, Lena, at

*GatherBay is committed to making Jewish experiences accessible to all. If cost is a barrier, please email or any GatherBay staff member.

GatherBay is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for all participants at Gather events, and as such maintains a strict no-tolerance policy toward any/all forms of harassment. If any staff, volunteers, or community members are observed physically or verbally harassing another participant, Gather staff reserve the right to request immediate removal without a refund. Repeat offenses will not be tolerated and may result in a permanent ban from Gather experiences and spaces.

GatherBay welcomes the participation of people of all abilities and backgrounds, levels of religiosity, gender identities, and sexual orientations. GatherBay fosters inclusive community and strives to accommodate all needs whenever possible. If you require special accommodations or have questions, please contact us at, and we will make every effort to meet your needs.

By attending, you understand that photographs and/or video may be taken at this event, and your picture may appear on the Gather[region] website, publications, or other media.
[update the text]
Make sure you have replaced all the bits that look [like this]


The Basics for You

More About You!
What race(s) / ethnicities do you you identify with? (select all that apply)

(Within or outside of your Jewish Identity; if listing multiple please separate by comma)

Review this page
You shouldn't need to change anything on this page
The Basics of Guest 1

Please do not use the same email as another guest

More About Guest 1!
What race(s) / ethnicities do they identify with? (select all that apply)

(Within or outside of your Jewish Identity; if listing multiple please separate by comma)

Review this page
Review the TransactionFee Calculations and adjust as needed
Payment Info

Choose what you pay

Valid Thru:

Stripe Fields

Please Review your information before confirming your registration on the next page