High Holiday Deep Dive; GatherDC

When you think about the Jewish High Holidays, what images, memories and ideas come to mind? Apples and honey, hearing the shofar, dinners with family and friends, fasting, and perhaps rows and rows of Jews praying in pews? 

The High Holidays are full of those timeless traditions, prayers, foods, and rituals, but they offer us so much more than a sweet sense of nostalgia. 

The High Holidays ask us to consider enormous questions about ourselves and our lives. Where and who have we been? As the calendar changes to a new year, where do we want to go next, and how do we get there? What do we need, what do we want, what are we missing? Perhaps most importantly: How can Jewish community, ritual, and tradition help us find the answers?

If you're someone who wants to dive deep into these big ideas alongside other DMV 20s and 30s, then GatherDC's signature High Holiday Deep Dive is for you! 

Over the course of four weeknight sessions in September/October, GatherDC's Rabbi Amalia will guide your cohort through open-hearted exploration of the High Holidays, based on an array of fascinating Jewish sources, ideas, and practices.

Please note: This is not a comprehensive intro to the High Holidays class. While we will discuss the main rituals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, it is an introspective conversation geared toward the High Holidays traditionally known as cheshbon hanefesh (soul accounting). Be prepared to look inward and get really real with other people! 

*To get the most out of this cohort, we ask that you attend every session. 

Where: The GatherDC Townhouse - 1817 M Street NW

When: September 24th, October 1st, October 9th, & October 15th from 6:30-8:30 pm (hefty snacks will be provided, plus we'll have a bonus shabbat dinner together at Rabbi Amalia's sukkah on Friday October 18th)

Who: This Deep Dive is open to individuals of all backgrounds and relationships to Judaism. We will be capping it at 12 people. 

Cost: Free

Contact: For questions, email

Safety measures/expectations: This event will be held in person. We will require all participants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

GatherDC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for all participants at Gather events, and as such maintains a strict no-tolerance policy toward any/all forms of harassment. If any staff, volunteers, or community members are observed physically or verbally harassing another participant, Gather staff reserve the right to request immediate removal without a refund. Repeat offenses will not be tolerated and may result in a permanent ban from Gather experiences and spaces.

GatherDC welcomes the participation of people of all abilities and backgrounds, levels of religiosity, gender identities, and sexual orientations. GatherDC fosters inclusive community and strives to accommodate all needs whenever possible. If you require special accommodations or have questions, please contact us at (202) 656-0743 or, and we will make every effort to meet your needs.

By attending, you understand that photographs and/or video may be taken at this event, and your picture may appear on the GatherDC website, publications, or other media.
The Basics

About You!
We strive to create programs and services that represent the full diversity of the Jewish community.  We are asking the following question about race and ethnicity to ensure that we are meeting this goal.
What race(s) / ethnicities do you you identify with? (select all that apply)

(Within or outside of your Jewish Identity; if listing multiple please separate by comma)

Digging a little deeper
In the sections below, please be as open as possible, while answering each questions in 1-2 brief paragraphs. This information is super-helpful as we craft this experience. The information in your answers is confidential.