• Name The Form: Click on the “Properties” cog. Under “Name,” change the name of your Happy Hour program using the following format: Gather[Region] [Month] [Year] [Retreat Name] Application Form. Click “save.”

  • Add The Program ID: Click on the box labeled “Program ID,” then click “Options”, add the 18-digit Salesforce program ID to the Default Value field. Click “save.”

  • Brand The Form: Go to “themes” and check to make sure the form’s theme corresponds to the region in which the experience is taking place. (Example: GatherDC forms should have the theme “GatherDC - Light *USE THIS THEME*.”) Click “save.”

  • Change the Image Insert a customized image into the form.

  • Customize The Text: In the body of the text on the first page of the form, replace all [bracketed words] with relevant information for your retreat experience. There are some language guidelines in here, but you’re encouraged to make the description your own! Click “save” when you’re finished.

  • Enable Connectors: 

    • For Salesforce:
      • Click on “Connectors” in the menu on the far left of the screen, then click “Configure” next to “Salesforce” (in the “Form Submitted” section).
      • You’ll be taken to a screen titled “Salesforce.” Under the “status” section, click “enabled.”
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save.” 
  • Update Your Form’s Acknowledgment Messages and Add Your Contact Information: Go to the “Notifications” section on the left hand side of the screen, and input your “thank you” message, sender information, email subject, and email content. Click “save.”

  • Update Your Form’s Processing Options: 

    • Go to the “Processing” section on the left hand side of the screen and click “Active.” 

    • Adjust “Display from” and “Display until” to accommodate how long your form will stay open. 

    • Write the “unavailable” message, which will display to users who attempt to register when registration is already closed. 

    • Check the box next to "Use Google reCAPTCHA (a challenge that helps prevent spam)"

    • (optional) add a response quota

    • Click “save.”

Test The Form: Click “View” to look at the front end of the form. Register yourself, then check the Salesforce program to confirm the connectors are working. 
Photos of young adults smiling, laughing, and having discussions at a retreat center

What is Beyond the Tent? GatherDC's Beyond the Tent Retreat is a creative and interactive weekend that brings together Jewish 20s and 30s from across the DMV at a retreat center right outside of Washington, DC. Over the course of three days, you'll explore what it means for you to be Jewish today, unpack 21st-century American Judaism, and dive into authentic models for expressing that identity. You'll build deep relationships with other Jews from the DMV and, of course, get to have fun and relax!

What You’ll Be Doing

Beyond the Tent is a unique experience where you’ll unpack, explore, and challenge your Judaism in a series of thought-provoking discussions and activities. The experience includes text study and personal reflection in both large and curated small groups with experienced peer facilitators. We’ll also celebrate Shabbat together with ritual and delicious meals, and you’ll have time to relax in a beautiful retreat center environment while getting to know new people. 

Note: Beyond the Tent is not exactly like summer camp (i.e. no bunks and color war), nor is it a traditional Shabbaton (i.e. no prayer services) - it's somewhere in between. There WILL be a camp fire with s'mores and beautiful, relatable Jewish rituals for Shabbat.

Who is Beyond the Tent for? 

BTT is for Jewish 20s and 30s across the DMV region who are open to exploring new and alternative paths of Jewish expression with their peers. This retreat is geared toward those who love learning from others, enjoy engaging in introspective questions, and who are in a seeking phase in their Jewish life - whatever that means to you. This doesn’t mean you need to be well-versed in Jewish texts or ideas nor be super extroverted - as long as you’re a curious person who enjoys talking with others, we’re happy. Whether you’re hook, line, and sinker with your Judaism or you’re not entirely bought in, we’ll meet you where you are on your Jewish journey. 

Why is this an application?

You probably already have the sense that Beyond the Tent is a specific kind of Jewish retreat. We’ve found that it’s most impactful with a group size of 20-25 people with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. 

If accepted, you’ll receive a registration form asking for more detailed information about what you need to make the retreat as accessible and enjoyable as possible. 

If not accepted (this time), we’ll be in touch with you about other ways you can engage with GatherDC and the Jewish DMV. We also encourage you to apply to the next BTT!


When is it?  Friday, July 19th - Sunday, July 21st, 2024. A bus will take you to the retreat center, leaving from a central location in DC around 1 p.m. on Friday and returning around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. 

Where is it? Pearlstone Retreat Center: 5425 Mt. Gilead Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136 

You’ll stay in either a lodge or hotel-style room with 1-2 other roommates. Bathrooms are either in the room or in a hallway, depending on the retreat details. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to share more about your rooming needs. 

All communal spaces are ADA accessible. ADA-compliant bedrooms are available upon request.  The Pearlstone Retreat Center serves delicious farm-to-table meals that are certified kosher (some meals will include meat; all have vegetarian options). All meals are buffet-style to accommodate a variety of needs and preferences (we’ll be asking you more about those). There is a self-service beverage bar with continuous coffee, tea, water, and snacks included throughout.

Cost: Early bird pricing is $99 through June 8th. Regular cost is $150 through June 18th. This cost is all-inclusive of transportation, meals, lodging, and facilitated workshops and activities throughout the weekend. Financial assistance is available upon request. If cost is a barrier, please email Noa Nir at

Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. 

COVID safety measures: Beyond the Tent is an in-person retreat. GatherDC requires all participants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and will require confirmation of vaccination from all accepted applicants. All participants are required to show proof of a negative PCR test prior to the retreat and take a rapid test morning of (we'll provide those). Masking will be optional. Learn more about GatherDC's COVID policies here.

Got questions? Email Noa Nir at

GatherDC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for all participants at Gather events, and as such maintains a strict no-tolerance policy toward any/all forms of harassment. If any staff, volunteers, or community members are observed physically or verbally harassing another participant, Gather staff reserve the right to request immediate removal without a refund. Repeat offenses will not be tolerated and may result in a permanent ban from Gather experiences and spaces.

GatherDC welcomes the participation of people of all abilities and backgrounds, levels of religiosity, gender identities, and sexual orientations. GatherDC fosters inclusive community and strives to accommodate all needs whenever possible. If you require special accommodations or have questions, please contact us at [Gather DC: (202) 656-0743 or], and we will make every effort to meet your needs.

By attending, you understand that photographs and/or video may be taken at this event, and your picture may appear on the GatherDC website, publications, or other media.

Contact Information Page

The Basics

About You!
We strive to create programs and services that represent the full diversity of the Jewish community.  We are asking the following question about race and ethnicity to ensure that we are meeting this goal.
What race(s) / ethnicities do you you identify with? (select all that apply)

(Within or outside of your Jewish Identity; if listing multiple please separate by comma)
Digging a little deeper
Please answer the following questions as fully and honestly as possible. Your answers will help us get to know you and make sure we have as wide a spectrum of experiences, personalities and stories as possible on this retreat.  This information is confidential and will not be shared with other participants.  

Final Questions!

Please review your information before confirming your application on the next page.